
Pour ceux qui souhaitent voir de plus près le corps musclé de Therese Johaug, c'est ICI


Les réactions en conférence de presse (source FIS)

Therese Johaug, NOR

"It was a really good race from me. 5 km skate was not my distance before. I have been working many years on improving my speed and technique. I also did a lot of strength training. It is fun to see it pays off in competitions.

It is good to lead the mini-tour but there are many other girls close behind me. I hope Ingvild and I can go together at the beginning. It will be a hard race tomorrow."


Charlotte Kalla, SWE

" I did everything I could today. 17 seconds on the winner is a lot but I did my best. I knew 5 km is a difficult distance, with a lot if pain. The track is really nice but tough at the same time. Tomorrow I have to go as fast as possible from kilometre 1." 

Ida Ingemarsdotter, SWE

"I wanted to stay focused on my speed and technique. I planned to go as fast as possible from the second last uphill before the stadium. I did not really know it was so close between me and Heidi. Tomorrow it will be really interesting and fun race. It will be a big fight. "


Top 3 5km dames

1. Therese Johaug, NOR            11:23.8

2. Charlotte Kalla, SWE                +17.6

3. Ida Ingemarsdotter, SWE             +25.4


Top 3 Général de la coupe du monde

1. Ida Ingemarsdotter, SWE            80

2. Ingvild Flugstad Oestberg, NOR        -3

3. Stina Nilsson, SWE                -6


Photo : Nordic Focus
