
Severin Freund profite de ce 20eme succès en coupe du monde pour prendre ce soir la tête du classement général.

Peter Prevc termine deuxième et prend la deuxième place du général.

Les Norvégiens sont battus mais ils signent une performance d'ensemble assez incroyable avec Hauer 3eme et premier podium en carrière, avec Stjernen 4eme, Forfang 5eme, Tande 6eme.

Sans oublier Gangnes, malchanceux avec le vent en seconde manche qui se classe 8eme !

Bonne 17eme place pour Vincent Descombes-Sevoie, 34eme rang pour Ronan Lamy-Chappuis.


Un second concours est prévu dimanche.


Les réactions 

Severin Freund (GER): “It's really extremely cool to have won 20 World Cup competitions. It's huge when you win your first World Cup, then you don't even dream about having 20 wins one day. It's an amazing day.

It helped me a lot that I was able to train on a higher technical level this summer than in the years before. In the recent years I was always struggling a bit in summer and got fit just in time for the winter. This was totally different this year and, of course, this makes it easier now."


Peter Prevc (SLO): "In today's competition everyone needed a bit of luck because the wind conditions were difficult. I think I had that luck, especially in the first round. In the second round it was a bit harder but I'm jumping consistently on a high level and so I'm satisfied.

In such conditions you need self confidence, you have to trust in yourself and focus on your jump."


Joachim Hauer (NOR): "I was jumping really good recently. I also started well in summer, but I didn't expect to achieve such a top result so soon. I thought that I might get in the Top 10 and to be on the podium now is really great.

It seems that we are pushing each other in our team. We see that our friends are good and so we know it's possible. It's inspiring and we have a really good spirit in our team at the moment."



Le classement complet ICI


Photo : Nordic Focus
