
Athlétisme - Mondiaux Budapest



Une revenante

Oubliée par les spécialistes et les fans de la discipline, Danielle Williams, 30 ans, s'est rappelé ce soir au bon souvenir de tous.

Pourtant placé au couloir N°1, pas vraiment un avantage, elle va déjouer tous les pronostics et devancer les deux grandes favorites après une course techniquement parfaite.

Sans doute plus relâchée que Camacho Quinn et Harrison, la Jamaïcaine s'offre 8 ans après, son second titre mondial sur la discipline, chapeau !



Podium 100m haies dames

Médaille d'or : Danielle Williams 12:43  🇯🇲

Médaille d'argent : Jasmine Camacho Quinn 12:44 🇵🇷

Médaille de bronze : Kendra Harrison 12:46 🇺🇸

Le classement complet ICI



La réaction de la gagnante

"I knew it was going to be tough. I came out here knowing that I could win but I would have to give everything I had. I still don't believe I won against such a stellar field. I've been racing these ladies all year and they have been kicking me left, right and centre.

But I had such confidence in my training and my abilities that I never stopped believing. My starts have always been good.

The finish is usually my problem but I spoke to my sister yesterday and she said I need to make sure to race over all the hurdles because I wasn't going flat out through all of them. Today I was determined to take it all the way.

When I won in 2015 it was unbelievable. But this took a lot of hard work, a lot of years of toil and injuries, and losing my confidence and battling to get back to this stage. It's awesome, Jamaica is a proud country and we love to win. I love to win."

