
Athlétisme - Mondiaux Budapest



Une première pour le Japon

Haruka Tikaguchi est devenue la première Japonaise championne du monde au lancer du javelot, un an après sa médaille de bronze à Eugene (Etats-Unis), grâce à un lancer à 66,73 m lors de sa dernière tentative.

Tout sourire, avec une joie communicante, Tikaguchi a renverser la hiérarchie de ce concours pour venir devancer la Colombienne Flor Denis Ruiz Hurtado, longtemps en tête du concours et l'Australienne Mackenzie Little qui complète le podium.

L'Australienne Kelsey-Lee Barber, double championne du monde (2019 et 2022) et médaillée de bronze olympique à Tokyo en 2021, s'est classée 7e, la championne olympique chinoise Shiying Liu a fini 6e.



Le podium

🥇 Haruka Kitaguchi 🇯🇵 66.73m

🥈 Flor Denis Ruiz Hurtado 🇨🇴 65.47m 

🥉 Mackenzie Little 🇦🇺 63.38m

Le classement complet ICI



La réaction de la gagnante

"The key thing to win this titel was just to believe it. I usually do not do the big changes in my technique, just trying running a bit faster and throw a bit higher - those are the things I need to work on still. If I compare the last years and this one, my goal was just to get into the final.

This time, coming to Hungary my goal was a medal and even higher - I wanted the gold. I just told them, I want the gold.

So I tried hard. Javelin throw is not a very popular event in Japan but I think it is becoming more and more popular - before, nobody knew about this event but now when I got gold, I think it will be more popular.

First time is a history. My coach is from the Czech Republic, I spend a lot of time training there so I hope also the Czech people were cheering for me. My coach David Sekerak was very nervous in the stands and tried to motivate me, more or less screaming at me.

But I think everything just came together in the last attempt and it was great. At the beginning, I thought that I would be crying, but now, I just feel the happiness."
