
Athlétisme - Mondiaux Budapest



Deux filles en or

Comme le Qatarien Mutaz Barshim et l'Italien Gianmarco Tamberi en finale des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo (Japon) à la hauteur en 2021, l'Australienne Nina Kennedy et l'Américaine Katie Moon ont décidé de se partager l'or mondial.

Après un long concours et de nombreux essais, les deux athlètes ont passé 4.90m et les barres inférieures exactement aux mêmes essais, avant de manquer trois fois 4.95m.

Du coup elles ont eu le choix entre un barrage et un partage du titre, c'est la deuxième option qui sera choisie, pour le plus grand bonheur de l'Australienne, qui signe le meilleur concours de sa vie.

Pour Katie Moon, championne du monde en titre, c'est un magnifique doublé. Pour le bronze on part en Finlande avec l'excellent Murto.



Le podium

Médaille d'or : Katie Moon et Nina Kennedy 4.90m 🇺🇸 🇦🇺

Médaille de bronze : Wilma Murto 4.80m 🇫🇮

Le classement complet ICI



La réaction des gagnantes

Nina Kennedy :

"I jumped out of my skin tonight. It was super crazy. I felt like the whole stadium was watching every single jump. They were all around us tonight, it was really incredible. I cannot explain it. It was surreal.

I jumped 4.82m two or three years ago so I knew I had some higher heights in me and tonight I just placed them together. All the girls were jumping so well tonight.

I think the Olympic final next year is going to be red-hot. To win a gold medal, it is just a dream come true - I knew I could get on the podium, but it was a miracle to get the gold. So I think a miracle happened tonight."

Katie Moon :

"When the final started I didn't think sharing a gold medal would work for me but now I am completely satisfied. What a battle it was. When it became obvious that only Nina and I were still jumping, the show had just started.

I think we both motivated each other. When she had a good attempt, I also wanted to have it. It was tiring but worth the effort. What an amazing night. I hope everyone enjoyed that one. We did."
