
Athlétisme - Mondiaux Budapest

Laulauga Tausada la très grosse cote


Une énorme surprise

Immense favorite de ce concours Valarie Allman pensait avoir fait le plus dur en lançant son disque à 69.23m mais un tremblement de terre va tout changer.

Sa coéquipière Laulauga Tausada va réussir la performance de sa vie sur son 5e essai avec un jet incroyable à 69.49m, soit 5m (environ) de plus que son record personnel.

Allman est sonné, abasourdie, pendant que Tausada saute comme un cabri, ivre de bonheur. 

Mélina Robert Michon, 44 ans, se classe seulement 9e, une déception de plus pour l'équipe de France.



Podium disque dames

Médaille d'or : Laulauga Tausada 69.49m 🇺🇸

Médaille d'argent : Valarie Almann 69.23m 🇺🇸

Médaille de bronze : Bin Feng 68.20m 🇨🇳

Le classement complet ICI



La réaction de Laulauga Tausaga

"I don't know if I have a fairy godmother or something, or my ancestors had some say in it, but I was able to do something tonight that I didn't think was possible yet.

I was confident if I was on my A game I could sneak through into a medal place and not be 12th like I was in the last two world championships. I'm just so happy. It's unbelievable to go from 12th to first. No one was expecting me and I just showed up.

I was desperate, very scared because I couldn't be 12th again. I just said to myself, 'You need to let it out and it fouls, then so be it'. But it sailed out to that big throw. And here I am. I have a gold medal, I can't believe it. It's so unreal.

When I saw my distance I just couldn't get to my coach fast enough to give him the strongest hug of my life. I'm so happy he made me a world champion.

I guess I'll have a big target on my back when I get to Paris (for the Olympics). There was an Olympic champion and a world champion in that final so I had to fight for this gold medal. It's going to be hard next year but it's going to be unbelievable."

