
Athlétisme - Mondiaux Budapest




Un palmarès extraordinaire

Grâce à un ultime saut à 8,52 m, réussi sur son dernier essai, Miltiadis Tentoglou (25 ans) a décroché son premier titre mondial (outdoor) à la longueur.

Déjà sacré champion d'Europe, champion olympique, champion du monde en salle, le Grec a faire preuve d'un sacré mental pour venir chercher l'or au bout du suspense, face au Jamaïcain Wayne Pinnock qui a mené durant tout le concours avec ses 8.50m.

Cette finale, d'un superbe niveau, a régalé le stade et a également permis à un autre Jamaïcain, Tajay Gayle, champion du monde 2019, de prendre la médaille de bronze.



Podium saut en longueur hommes

Médaille d'or : Miltiadis Tentoglou 8.52m 🇬🇷

Médaille d'argent : Wayne Pinnock 8.50m 🇯🇲 

Médaille de bronze : Tajay Gayle : 8.27m 🇯🇲

Le classement complet ICI



La réaction du gagnant

"The only gold medal I missed is now mine. I stayed calm after my first attempt of 8.50m. I was sure that Pinnock had a lot to add. He is very strong and will give much more next year.

I wanted to jump more than 8.50m and I managed to in the last round but I left my foot in the sand and lost an even bigger jump. It was a great competition, a great battle, better than last year. Now I'm going to defend all my titles.

My athletics career is not about a collection of titles. Every one of us dreams about strong results and even world records. But it is very hard to do it because of all these strange shoe rules. There were too many changes in recent years. All athletes are different.

My last jump today was over 8.70m with a mistake that cost me about 20cm. If I could use sprint spikes I could jump over 8.80m. I need to run fast. I need to wear sprint spikes. They pushed us to use 7mm spikes.

Look how many athletes slipped on the take off. If you want to see a world record, just listen to what athletes need. I want to have the same rights as Mike Powell had years ago.

Now I am excited to go and hug my girlfriend. She is a Greek journalist and we travel together over the athletics circuit. She is a big critic of all my quotes, but she teaches me a lot."

