
Athlétisme - Mondiaux Budapest 2023




Une leçon d'humilité pour Ingebrigtsen

Grand favori de cette course, le Norvégien de 22 ans a trouvé son maitre dans la dernière ligne droite, un résultat surprenant qui va probablement plaire à beaucoup de monde.

On se souvient de sa demi finale lorsqu'il est venu chambrer ses rivaux dans le dernier virage, dans le plus pur style Norvégien, en adressant le message "c'est moi le plus fort, je vous manque que je veux".

Ce soir l'immense Ingebrigtsen, qui a déjà tout gagné, va sans doute très mal dormir. Il s'est pris en pleine face une grosse leçon d'humilité et sa médaille d'argent n'arrivera pas à le faire digérer.

Il s'en est même fallu de peu pour voir son compatriote Nordaas, surprenant et magnifique médaillé de bronze, terminer devant lui.

Evidemment on oublie pas l'énorme course du vainqueur Josh Kerr. Aussi costaud que rapide, le Britannique fait vraiment un beau champion du monde, un titre obtenu avec une excellent chrono.

Il entre à son tour dans la légende du demi fond Britannique et rejoint Cram, Ovett et Coe, actuel président de World Athletics.



Le podium

Médaille d'or : Josh Kerr 3:29.38 🇬🇧

Médaille d'argent : Jakob Ingebrigtsen 3:29.65 🇳🇴

Médaille de bronze : Narve Gilje Nordås 3:29.68 🇳🇴

Le classement complet ICI



La réaction du vainqueur

"Those last moments of the race will be engraved on my brain for a very long time. I knew I had him with about 50m to go. I ran that last lap as well as I could and today it was all heart, all guts and remembering all the really hard yards it took me to get here.

It's very hard to be the favourite and Jakob has a million things going on with world record attempts and multiple events. For me this is the be all and end all. You saw about 16 years of emotion at the end there. You just watched a kid achieve a dream that he has been having for a very long time. ?

I put together a fantastic last couple of months and everything has been going in the right direction. I just had to get it right on the day. I'm so proud that I did. On the start line I was so confident. I just thought, 'It's my turn.' I've been in finals but I hadn't yet got a gold. And now it tastes so sweet.

It's crazy that Edinburgh Athletics Club has back to back world champions. I know Jake (Wightman) was in the crowd tonight and due respect to him for laying the path for me to follow. British 1500m running is just on top of the world right now.

This is just reward for many years of hard work. I'm extremely proud to be on top of the world. I just did what I always do, throw everything I have at it and see if it breaks my way. As I came round the bend I thought I have to give everything I have.

I didn't worry about what was going on earlier in the race, just made sure I was there with 200m to go. Then in the last 30m I thought I want this so badly, I don't care how much pain I'm in I'm going to do everything to get to the finish line first.

I never got overwhelmed by what was going on in front of me. I didn't care about the splits. As for the Paris, the Olympics is a year away. I finished about 25 to 30 minutes ago. So I'll enjoy this for at least an hour then start thinking about it."
