Le Slovène Nejc Dezman est devenue champion du monde junior sur le tremplin H108 tout neuf d'Erzurum gràce à deux sauts mesurés à 109m50 et 108m pour un total de 286.5 points.

Derrière lui on retrouve deux hommes ex-aequo pour la médaille d'argent avec le Polonais Aleksander Zniszczol et le second Slovène Lukas Hlava qui comptent tous les deux 280.5 points.

Le Norvégien Sjoeen se classe 4e devant l'Autrichien Mueller. Ronan Lamy-Chappuis vient prendre pour la France la 21e place.

Benjamin Raffort termine 34e, Nicolas Gonthier 52e ex-aequo avec Sacha Gardet.

On retrouvera les sauteurs samedi pour les concours par équipes féminin et masculin.

Les réactions (source FIS)

Nejc Dezman (SLO): "I was in a good shape when I came to Erzurum. I just wanted to stay cool and my goal was to show as good jumps in the competition as I did in the training rounds. It’s always a big pressure when you are competing in World Championships, but I was able to handle that.” 
Aleksander Zniszczol (POL): “Of course I am happy about winning the silver medal. I was feeling good today and I am really satisfied with my performance. It was also some extra motivation that Adam Malysz came here together with our team.”
Jaka Hvala (SLO): “I didn’t expect to win a medal today because I did not do very well in the training rounds. I like the fact that the hill was prepared by Slovenians because we all know each other and in this way I am having some more friends with me during those days in Erzurum.”

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