A l’occasion de notre questionnaire posé aux grands champions étrangers, www.ski-nordique.net publiera exceptionnellement les réponses en anglais avec si besoin une traduction Française.

Name ? First name ? Age ? Size ? Weight ?

Kristin Størmer Steira, 30 years, 169 cm, 52 kg

Where do you live ?

In Drøbak, nearby Oslo, Norway

The top of your season ?

Gold medal Relay World Championship in Oslo

The flop of your season ?

15km pursuit in World Championship (Steira a terminé 9e)

Who are your sponsors ?

Aker, Terra, Maxbo, Weber, Technet, Jordbærpikene, ØB

The best race of your life ?

15 km skate, La Clusaz 2008 (on se souvient tous de son succès obtenu devant Saarinen et Johaug sous une grosse tempête de neige)

Your main character trait ?

Happy, (almost) always smiling (heureuse, presque toujours souriante)

Your major flaw ? (ton défaut majeur)

Can´t think of any... a really bad singer maybe!  ( je suis une très mauvaise chanteuse)

Your motto ? (ta devise)

Smile, and the world smiles with you! (souris au monde et le monde te sourira)

Your biggest fear ? (ta plus grande peur)

That something will happen to my family

What would you like to change in your physic ?

Would like to be a better sprinter

What would you like to change in your sport ?

More long-distance races (15 and 30 km)

How many true friends ?

Difficult to say, I would say maybe 10 really close friends

With whom you will never go on vacation ?

Can not think of anyone at the moment!

Your last three SMS sent? and received ?

Ha ha, that will be my secret:)

Your favorite sportsman or sportswoman (any sport) ?

Blanka Vlasic, high jump (La Croate specialiste double championne du monde de saut en hauteur)

The last movie you saw at the cinema ?

A Norwegian criminal movie

SteiraThe music you love ?

A lot, Placebo is one of my favorites

What is a perfect saturday night for you ?

Nice food, nice wine and good friends! (un bon repas, du bon vin et de bons amis)

What you like to watch on TV ?

Paradise Hotel

Your favorite hobbies ?

Reading books, go to concerts/listen to music and cooking!

The dish that you love to cook ?

Now in the summertime it’s a lot of barbecuing, fish and shellfish. In winter I prefer meat, reindeer is really nice! -together with some nice french wineJ. (Durant l’été j’adore faire cuire des poisons au barbecue, l’hiver plutôt la viande de renne accompagné d’un bon vin Français)

What is the perfect and ideal gift for you ?

Have a thing for bags and shoes, but I prefer to buy them myself, a nice gift for me would be something to experience, like tickets for a concert or show!  (Des sacs ou des chaussures  mais je préfère tout de même les acheter personnellement. Sinon quelque chose de nouveau comme des billets pour un concert)

What is perfect happiness ?

To be healthy, together with the people you love. (Avoir la santé)

Your last vacation ?

In my cottage in the mountain, but I am going to Nice next week! (Interview realize début juillet)

The biggest mistake you have done ? (Ta plus grande erreur)

Hm... maybe not to change skis in the 30 km in the Olympics last year!

Your first car ?

A red Citroën Saxo!

Your life after your sports career ?

Getting a family, working with something I like (have a degree in marketing)

What are your goals for next season ?

Tour de Ski

Last question : Are you able to write something in french for the fans of www.ski-nordique.net  ?

Well, everyone knows  "Voulez-vous coucher avec...", so I think I will go for "Enchanté de faire votre connaissance!"

Merci Kristin.

Photos : Nordic Focus